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Why have I not received an invoice yet?
Elektrum prepares and sends out invoices no later than by the 15th of each month. The time of invoicing depends on the date when the network operator (eg Elektrilevi or Imatra) forwards their consumption data to us, therefore the date of invoicing may be different from month to month. Elektrum Estonia does not issue invoices if the invoice amount is less than 5.00 euros. In that case, the invoice will be issued in the month when 5.00 euros is filled.
How to pay for the invoice?
You can pay your invoice in a way that is the most convenient for you, whether at our e-service, via an online banking service, e-invoice, at bank or post office. When paying for the invoice, make sure to include the number of your electricity contract or the number of the invoice you are paying for. The contract number is important because it links the payment to the correct contract.
There is no reference number needed when paying for your Elektrum Eesti OÜ invoice. •
Elektrum Eesti OÜ can be payed to the following bank accounts:
- Luminor Bank AS: EE801700017003249686 (SWIFT NDEAEE2X)
- SEB Pank: EE651010220113267018 (SWIFT EEUHEE2X)
- Swedbank: EE852200221055633162 (SWIFT HABAEE2X)
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E-invoices and standing orders - automatic payment of invoices
The most convenient way to pay your invoice is with an e-invoice and a standing order. You can order Elektrum's e-invoice either via the www.arved.ee web environment, your internet bank or in your bank branch. Invoices are paid on the basis of the electricity contract number, which must be included in the explanation field of the payment. In addition to an e-invoice, you also need to sign a standing order contract with your bank in order for the automatic payment to work.
Customers using general service can pay invoice in a way that is the most convenient for them, whether at our e-service, via an online banking service, e-invoice (www.arved.ee), at bank or post office. When paying for the invoice, make sure to include the number of the invoice you are paying for.
There is no reference number needed when paying for your Elektrum Eesti OÜ invoice.
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What to do if I cannot pay my invoice on time?
If you are unable to pay your electricity bill on time, please call 711 5555 or contact us by the following email arved@elektrum.ee.
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How is the penalty on delayed settlement calculated?
The term for payment of the invoice is 15 days from the date of preparation of the invoice. The penalty for delayed payment is calculated from the day following the due date and shall be terminated upon payment of the invoice.
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Where can I see how much electricity I have consumed?
You can see your electricity consumption history online at our e-service on the consumption report page, at the network operator's self-service or at Elering's Andmeladu Data Hub.
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My invoice has a correction. What does it mean?
Your monthly invoices are prepared on the basis of data that your network operator forwards to the national Elering data hub. If the customer has not forwarded their electricity meter’s readings (in case of a standard meter) or the customer's remote reading meter malfunctions and the network operator does not receive the actual reading from the customer's meter, the customer's consumption is forecasted on the basis of annual consumption and standard consumption schedule. The meter transmits the stored data when the connection is re-established and is adjusted accordingly on the invoices (correction).
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What happens when I accidentally pay more than was necessary?
In case you have accidentally paid more than was necessary, you have two options. 1. Leave the amount prepaid - this means that the prepayment will be reflected on your next bill, and you will have to pay less for the electricity consumed in the next month (or months). 2. Receive the overpaid amount back. To do this, it is necessary to send a written application to Elektrum. You can send the application:
• By e-mail to arved@elektrum.ee
• By mail to Endla 15, Tallinn, 10122
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I have no electricity, what can I do?
Before signing an electricity contract, you must have a valid network service contract first. The network service contract must be concluded with the network operator in whose area your place of consumption is located. You can sign the electricity contract with Elektrum at our online self-service, by calling us at 711 5555, or by writing us at kliendiinfo@elektrum.ee.
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How to sign an electricity contract and a network service contract at the same time?
To sign a new electricity contract that enters into force at the same time with a network service contract call to our customer service phone number 711 5555. In order for our contract with you to start immediately after the start of the network service contract, please contact us at least one day before your network service contract enters into force.
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How to sign an electricity contract and a network service contract at the same time?
To sign a new electricity contract that enters into force at the same time with a network service contract call to our customer service phone number 711 5555. In order for our contract with you to start immediately after the start of the network service contract, please contact us at least one day before your network service contract enters into force.
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When shall my electricity contract start?
- General service The next day, i.e. if the contract is concluded on August 1, the electricity contract will be valid on August 2
- In the event of a change of electricity supplier, counting from the following day, after 14 days have passed, i.e. if the contract is signed on August 1, it will start counting from August 2, and your electricity contract will become valid on August 16
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What is the difference between the electricity and network service contracts?
Starting from 2013 with the opening of the electricity market, customers have two separate service providers: a network operator and an electricity seller. The network operator is the network operator in the area where you consume electricity, whose task is to supply electricity to your home, collect consumption data, and maintain the lines and other network-related equipment. The network operator forwards the invoice for the transmission of electricity - or the so-called network connection. The electricity seller is your electricity supplier to whom you pay for the electricity consumed.
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How to change the electricity contract?
You can change both the package and its validity period in your current electricity contract. You can choose between three different pricing methods: single tariff price, dual tariff price and exchange price. The electricity package can be changed free of charge at our online self-service or by contacting our customer services.
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How to terminate the electricity contract?
The electricity sales contract can be terminated at any time by notifying Elektrum in writing at least 30 days in advance.
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Moving and electricity contract
In order to terminate the electricity contract in the event of a change of a consumption place, the network service contract with your network operator must be terminated first. Upon termination of the network service contract, the electricity contract concluded with Elektrum terminates at the same time and it is not necessary to submit a separate application to us. Please notice that after the submission of the termination application, the contract is valid on your behalf for another 30 days or until the new owner has entered into a new contract in his own name.
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How can I sign a new contract in my own name in the event of a change of ownership of a property?
To sign an electricity contract in your name, you must first contact the network operator, terminate the network service contract in the name of the old owner and enter into a new one in your own name. Once you have received confirmation that the new network service contract has entered into force, a new electricity contract can be concluded. You can find information on the largest network operators in Estonia here:
- Elektrilevi OÜ
- Imatra Elekter AS (Lääne county and Viimsi municipality in Harju county)
- VKG Elektrivõrgud OÜ (Narva, Narva-Jõesuu and Sillamäe cities, Vaivara municipality and Kohtla-Järve city Viivikonna district, Ida-Virumaa)
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What happens to a fixed-term electricity contract when it expires?
Fixed-term electricity contracts are automatically renewed. We will send you a new contract proposal at least 45 days before the expiry of the previous one. If the contract conditions suit you, your contract will be automatically extended.
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What are the times for night tariff and day tariff?
The daily price is valid from Monday to Friday (except for public holidays) from 07:00 to 22:00.
The night price is valid from Monday to Friday from 22:00 to 07:00 and on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays throughout the day.
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How is the exchange price on the invoice calculated?
The electricity exchange has a different price every hour. For example, a month with 31 days has 744 different prices. Your electricity invoice is calculated according to the electricity consumed in each hour and on the basis of the price valid in the respective hour. The invoiced kilowatt-hour cost is the average unit price based on your consumption. Exchange prices can be monitored on our website and on the Nord Pool website: https://www.nordpoolgroup.com/
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What is my contract number?
The contract number can be checked at Elektrum's self-service - you can find the way to self-service here or by pressing the self-service button on our website
You can also call 711 5555 or write to kliendinfo@elektrum.ee to find out the contract number.
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Does the exchange price have a night and day tariff?
No, when buying electricity at the exchange price, a different price applies to you every hour according to the hourly price of the Estonian price area of the Nord Pool electricity exchange.
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What green energy options do we offer?
To contribute to environmental protection and use electricity from 100% renewable energy sources, you can choose the Green Click electricity package in our self-service.
Almost 60% of the electricity produced by the Latvenergo group comes from renewable energy sources, mainly hydropower. We are proud to be one of the greenest electricity producers in Europe.
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As a former Imatra customer, do I need to extend my contract or sign a new one with Elektrum?
Signing a new contract is not necessary! The existing Imatra Electricity contract is automatically transferred to Elektrum - the contract conditions will not change and we will issue invoices under the exact same conditions. This also applies to connection to green electricity and electricity buyback agreements.
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As a former customer of Imatra, I have paid in advance. Who gets the amount paid?
If you had paid an advance payment to Imatra Elektri before August 1, 2021, then:
- The advance payment for all customers in the network area of Imatra Elektri remains with Imatra Elektri and is now valid as an advance payment for network services.
- The prepayment of all other customers in the network area must also be requested back from Imatra Elektri.
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As a former customer of Imatra, will I receive 1 or 2 invoices?
As a private customer of Elektrilevi, your network contract was still valid with Elektrilevi OÜ, and from August 1, 2021, we will send you a joint bill for both electricity and network service.
As a business customer of Elektrilevi, your network contract was still valid with Elektrilevi OÜ, which also forwarded you an invoice for Elektrilevi's network service from August 1, 2021. In the future, you will still receive separate bills for network service and electricity.
It is not possible to issue a joint bill for electricity and network service to customers of the Imatra Elektri network area. Elektrilevi has announced that the Imatra Elektri network area will be integrated with the Elektrilevi network area by the beginning of 2024, and after that electricity sellers will be able to issue a joint bill to customers of the Elektrilevi network area. We will certainly let you know when a more precise action plan for the integration of the Imatra Elektri network area with the Elektrilevi area is in place.
NB! If you do not belong to either the Elektrilevi or Imatra networks, from August 1 you will receive 2 bills at the beginning of each month - one from Elektrum Eesti OÜ for electricity and the other from your network company for network service.
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As a former customer of Imatra, do I have to order a new e-invoice due to the transfer of the electricity contract?
You don't have to order e-invoices again! All e-invoices are automatically transferred to Elektrum. Electricity bills can be paid and electricity packages can be changed conveniently also in our self-service.
You can find the way to self-service here or by pressing the self-service button on our website
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As a former customer of Imatra, I would like to know if the standing payment order was transferred automatically?
Standing payment Arrangements are not transferred automatically. You must contact your bank again to conclude a standing payment.
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As a former customer of Imatra, I would like to know if the connection to green energy was successful?
If a 100% renewable energy certificate has already been linked to your electricity sales contract, then nothing will change for you in this regard. Operations related to the management of your existing certificate will be carried out by Elektrum Eesti in the future, and we will notify you of any changes well in advance.
If you haven't joined green energy yet, but you want to contribute to environmental protection, choose the Green Click electricity package from Elektrum's self-service. Elektrum issues a POWERED BY GREEN certificate to its consumers, which proves that the user buys electricity that is 100% from renewable energy sources in accordance with certificates of origin in the sense of the Electricity Market Act.
We do not offer energy produced from biomass!
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Where and can I order Nord Pool electricity exchange price e-mail notification?
Nord Pool electricity exchange price e-mail notification can be ordered from our self-service.
As a former customer of Imatra, it is not necessary to order the stock exchange price notification again if it has already been ordered. Notification will continue automatically.
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Kas Elektrum Eesti OÜ pakub võrguettevõttega ühisarvet?
Elektrilevi OÜ erakliendile saadame ühise arve nii elektri kui võrguteenuse eest.
Elektrilevi OÜ äriklient saab eraldi arved võrguteenuse ja elektrienergia eest.
Imatra Elektri võrgupiirkonna klient saab ta iga kuu kaks eraldi arvet võrguteenuse ja elektrienergia eest.
Kui klient ei kuulu ei Elektrilevi ega Imatra võrku, siis saab ta iga kuu kaks arvet – ühe Elektrum Eesti OÜ-lt elektrienergia eest ning teise oma võrguettevõttelt võrguteenuse eest.
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